
Keynote 1: Robust and Resilient TVET in VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity) World

by Dr. Brajesh Panth, Chief of Education Sector Group, Asian Development Bank (ADB), Philippines


Mr. Panth provides technical leadership to the education sector group (ESG) in ADB, leads the preparation of the ESG work plan and facilitates collaboration across sector and technical groups in ADB and with external partners. He has over 25 years of experience in the education sector including sector assessment, project processing, implementation, evaluation, and policy dialogue, covering all levels—primary, secondary, technical and vocational education and training, and higher education. Mr. Panth worked with the World Bank as a senior education specialist in Nepal before joining ADB in 2001. He has also worked in Central Asia, South Asia, China, Ghana, Malawi and the United States. Besides coordinating and contributing to several publications, Mr. Panth has made several presentations in different fora and contributed to policy analysis, policy dialogue and analytical work pertaining to different aspects of education reform.

Keynote Speech 2: Cross-Border Training and Mentoring in ASEAN

by YB Fdr. Ar. Siti Rozaimeriyanty Dato Seri Laila Jasa Haji Abd Rahman, Chair of ASEAN Business Advisory Council 2021, ASEAN Business Advisory Council, Brunei Darussalam


The Hon. FDr. Ar. Siti Rozaimeriyanty DSLJ Haji Abdul Rahman is a registered Practising Architect with BAPEQS, RIBA Chartered Member, UK and ASEAN Architects. Prior to establishing Eco Bumi Arkitek (EBA), The Hon. Rozaimeriyanty was a Senior Architect with the Public Works Department, Ministry of Development of Brunei for 15 years. She is the first female President of Institution of Surveyor, Engineer and Architect (PUJA Brunei) for the term 2018 to 2019.

Ten years into the establishment of Eco Bumi Arkitek, The Hon. Rozaimeriyanty was appointed by His Majesty the Sultan and Yang-Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam as one of the Brunei Darussalam Legislative Council (LegCo) Members, due to achieving distinction, for a term of five years effective from 2017 until 2021. As a LegCo member, The Hon. Rozaimeriyanty actively presents the equality of opinions in all the concerns raised, particularly on issues of education, women and economic growth. In order to do this, she actively reaches out to the society in the form of invitations for forums and as a speaker for numerous events.

Keynote 3: Preparing TVET for Future Skills to Meet the Demand of Changing World of Work

by Dr. Akiko Sakamoto, Regional Skills Development and Employability Specialist, International Labor Organization (ILO) for Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Thailand


Akiko Sakamoto is Senior Skills and Employability Specialist at the International Labour Organization (ILO) for Southeast Asia and the Pacific and is currently based in Bangkok, Thailand.  She has undertaken policy advisory, project formulation, and project implementation work, covering a wide range of skills-related issues over nearly 20 years mostly in the region. These include: formulation of national policies on skills development; reform of skills/TVET systems; skills for enhanced productivity and employability; anticipation of skills demands; qualifications framework and skills recognition; skills for green jobs; and skills for the informal economy workers and disadvantaged groups. She holds a doctorate in Education with a focus on workforce skills development.

Keynote 4: Initiatives in advancing TVET in ASEAN’s New Norm: RECOTVET’s Perspectives

by Mr Ingo Gerhard Imhoff,Programme Director, Regional Cooperation in TVET (RECOTVET), Vietnam, giz  | Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Germany


Ingo Imhoff is the manager of the German government’s Regional Cooperation Programme for the Development of Technical and Vocational Education and Training in ASEAN (RECOTVET).
RECOTVET has its objective to strengthen the capacities of the TVET systems of the ASEAN region in their adaptation to the requirements of digitalization. Priorities include an active involvement of the private sector, the use of digital teaching and learning formats and the use of skills anticipation and labour market information.
Ingo Imhoff joined Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in 2002. He has been among others the GIZ global coordinator for children and youth programmes and the manager of the advisory project on information and communication technology for development to the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development.
Prior to his work for RECOTVET, Ingo Imhoff has been the GIZ country manager for China at GIZ headquarters, team leader for Human Capacity Development in Asia and programme manager of a Sino-German cooperation programme on structural reform and TVET in Northeast China.
Ingo Imhoff is a graduate of the London School of Economics and Political Sciences and the Geneva Institute of Graduate Studies.

Keynote 5: Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET (BILT)

by Ms Sarah Elson-Rogers,Team Leader of Innovation and the Future of TVET, UNESCO-UNEVOC, Germany


Sarah Elson-Rogers joined UNESCO-UNEVOC in July 2021 as Team Leader for the Innovation and Future of TVET programme, which includes the Bridging Innovation and Learning in TVET (BILT) project. The team supports efforts to strengthen TVET systems in UNESCO’s Member States with a focus on the themes of digitalization, greening, migration and entrepreneurship.

Prior to starting at UNESCO-UNEVOC, Sarah worked in various national and international TVET contexts. She has worked for the UK Department of Education and the EU Centre for the Development of Vocational Education and Training (CEDEFOP). She has led projects on TVET financing and reporting on TVET policy trends. More recently, Sarah has worked with bilateral and multilateral donors to design, implement and evaluate their TVET and labour market projects. She has worked in the EU, Africa, the Middle East and Eurasia with policymakers, researchers and TVET practitioners.